Hey! Have you played the new version of Dota All-Star? WarCraft Frozen Throne DotA ALLSTARS 6.56 is now officially released. New Map, New Heroes, New Items, New Recipe and of course SEE for yourself. Lately, I have been playing this new version at my home court computer Shop. As what I played before, the version 6.55b has been released not so long before the 6.56 is out. The Travern of both teams are at the top left and bottom right of the map but this new version 6.56 is now at the base of both teams near the fountain of health. Oh! I have forgot, also the heroes' portal is now at near the fountain area.

So what are the new things to see? Let me introduce the New Items first. Here are the New Items for the new version:
Magic Stick (Cost 210)

An Energy Charge when the near allies or enemies casts a spell around you, you will be gain 1 energy charge. Can contains of 12 charges. Everytime or every charge you cast this item instantly regenerate your hp and mana by 12.
Dust Of Appearance (Cost 190)

2 consumable charges.
You will place this to nearby enemy units and only affects heroes. You are not visible to enemy hero except wards when you used this or if you are fogged.
Glyph of Fortification

Free to use at your shop. It will give your ally buildings additional armor when cast instantly.
Phase Boots -(Total Cost: 1610)

5 duration 10 cd
Gives 70 Movement Speed, additional 7 Armor , 16 Damage Phase
Gives no collision with units 10% movement increase Casting spells or items dispells phase
Compose of this following:
Blades of Attack (500)
Chain Mail (610)
Boots of Speed (500)
The Items with new recipe are Maelstrom, Lothar's Edge, Diffusal blades and Black king bar. You can see for yourself about the item's recipe just play this new version.
I have been used the new two heroes once because I don't feel it to use :)
Here are the New Heroes:
Windrunner - Alleria

INT hero with Range of 600, Move Speed of 295
Str: 15 + 2.5, Agi: 17 + 1.4, Int: 22 + 2.6, Armor: 1.4
Damage: 44 - 56, HP: 435, Mana: 286
HP Regen: 0.7 | Mana Regen: 0.89
Attack Speed: 1.14

Level 1 - 1.4 seconds shackle
Level 2 - 2.1 seconds shackle
Level 3 - 2.8 seconds shackle
Level 4 - 3.5 seconds shackle
Mana Cost: 90/ 100/ 110/ 120
Cooldown: 14
Alleria fires an enchanted arrow using wind magic that binds the target to an enemy unit or tree behind it.

Level 1 - 120 initial damage.
Level 2 - 200 initial damage.
Level 3 - 280 initial damage.
Level 4 - 360 initial damage.
Mana Cost: 90/ 100/ 110/ 120
Cooldown: 12
Windrunner winds up her bow for up to 1 second to perform a single powerful shot. The arrow travels 1700 distance, dealing damage and destroying trees in its path. The damaged dealt is greatest to the first target it hits and is reduced by 10% with each other it passes through.

Level 1 - 8% slow, lasts 2.75 seconds.
Level 2 - 16% slow, lasts 3.5 seconds.
Level 3 - 24% slow, lasts 4.25 seconds.
Level 4 - 30% slow, lasts 5 seconds.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 65/ 50/ 35/ 20
Imbues her body with the essence of wind, increasing her movement speed by 50% and giving her the ability to evade all physical attacks for a short period of time. Additionally, the gusts of wind around her impairs the movement of nearby enemies, slowing their movement speed in a 300 AoE around her.
Focus Fire

Level 1 - 50% reduced damage.
Level 2 - 40% reduced damage.
Level 3 - 30% reduced damage.
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 200/ 300/ 400
Alleria channels wind throughout her body to surge an excess of adrenaline, giving her maximum attack speed on one target for 10 attacks. Damage is reduced in this state.
Admiral Proudmoore - Kunkka

STR hero
With the Range of 128, Move Speed of 300
Str: 24 + 2.7, Agi: 18 + 1.7, Int: 18 + 2.2, Armor: 3.5
Damage: 50 - 60, HP: 606, Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.97, Mana Regen: 0.73
Attack Speed: 1.18

Level 1 - 120 damage, lasts 2 seconds.
Level 2 - 180 damage, lasts 3 seconds.
Level 3 - 240 damage, lasts 4 seconds.
Level 4 - 300 damage, lasts 5 seconds.
Mana Cost: 105
Cooldown: 12
Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water errupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.

Level 1 - +15 damage, 16 second cooldown
Level 2 - +30 damage, 12 second cooldown
Level 3 - +45 damage, 8 second cooldown
Level 4 - +60 damage, 4 second cooldown
Kunkka's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and 500 AoE cleave for a single strike every once in awhile.
X Marks The Spot

Level 1 - 2 seconds, 500 cast range.
Level 2 - 3 seconds, 650 cast range.
Level 3 - 4 seconds, 800 cast range.
Level 4 - 5 seconds, 950 cast range.
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 60/ 50/ 40/ 30
In order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral Proudmore targets a hero and marks its current position on the ground. After a few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark.
Ghost Ship

Level 1 - CoCo's Rum lasts 5 seconds, 300 crash damage.
Level 2 - CoCo's Rum lasts 6 seconds, 400 crash damage.
Level 3 - CoCo's Rum lasts 7 seconds, 500 crash damage.
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 100/ 80/ 60
The admiral summons the mythical ghost ship S.S. CoCo to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Captain CoCo's Rum, inebriating them for 30% bonus movespeed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to feel only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies, pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes.
It depends on how you use and build this new hero to become powerful. I think you right strategy and smart decision are still your winning factors :)
Data source: DotaPortal.com